Results not excuses!

 Anti­-racism code of practice of Mark By World

Mark By World is dedicated to supporting artistic freedom and providing a supportive space for a wide and diverse range of performances. However, we recognise that racism is an issue at all levels of society. Our commitment to anti­racism is part of our wider commitment to equality and social inclusion.

Mark By World understands racism is a particular form of exclusion faced by minority ethnic groups. It is based on the false belief that some “races” are inherently superior to others because of skin colour, nationality, ethnic or cultural background. Racism denies people their basic human rights, dignity and respect.

Mark By World is committed to this code of practice because:

●  Racism is a problem in the LGBTIQ+ community and we are challenged to demonstrate an intolerance of racism and a solidarity with those who experience it.

  • Our community is multi­ethnic and multi­cultural and cultural difference challenges us to do things differently if we are to create positive outcomes for all.

  • As in wider society, there is potential for racism in our own community and we seek to do what we can to prevent this from finding fertile ground.

Mark By World commits itself:

To make racism a visible issue through:

  • Communicating the anti­racist ethos of our establishment in the mission statement, strategic plans, job descriptions, staff induction manual, organisation’s reports, publications, newsletters etc., in the symbols and images we use and in the messages we communicate.●  On­going awareness­raising and training on racism and anti­racist practice for our management, staff (paid and unpaid) and club promoters.●  Acknowledging the particular oppression of Cis women, Trans women and girls from Black and minority ethnic groups.●  Refusing to host or promote acts that use Blackface or perpetuate negative stereotypes of minority ethnic groups.Implementing this code

    A post will be allocated to all staff and promoters with responsibility for monitoring the implementation of this code and for ensuring it is brought to the attention of staff and the management when appropriate.

    Staff and management will take responsibility for ensuring information flows to maintain our capacity to implement this code and will take part in anti­racist training when necessary.”


Find me through LinkedIN Mark John M Alipio

America 2.0 : A digital pivot into moving pebbles


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